Your top 3 fencing questions answered…

13 Jan.,2025


Your top 3 fencing questions answered…

We asked our fence consultants what questions they receive most frequently. They responded and answered below. Your particular situation may require alternative recommendations. If you have a question, please call 800-282- or contact us online. We&#;d love to help!

Visit our website for even more common fence questions.

1. Do I need a temporary, semi-permanent or permanent fence?
It depends on how you intend to use the fence. Is it to be moved daily, weekly, monthly or never?
2. Why doesn't my net fence work?
Our first instinct is to ask, "What is the voltage?" The best way to determine this is with a fence tester. Readings below V are of concern: Check for grass contact, metal touching the conductors or a conductor wrapped around a fence post spike. The next step would be to test the energizer to make sure it's functional:
  • Turn off the energizer.
  • Disconnect ground wire and the fence wire.
  • Turn the energizer back on.
  • With a fence tester, put the ground probe (or clamp) to the ground terminal on the energizer and the metal loop (or positive clamp) at the top of the tester to the fence/positive terminal. The reading you get tells you how well the energizer is working without any other variables. If there is a very low voltage (under V) or no voltage, then the energizer may have a problem. If the voltage is high (greater than V) then the trouble lies with your fence.

For more information, please visit Double Wire Fence.

If you are looking for more details, kindly visit Palisade Fencing Manufacturers.

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