Types Of Plumbing Pipes

13 Aug.,2024


Types Of Plumbing Pipes

Several types of plumbing pipe are in use today and several more have been discontinued in some localities for various reasons.



Best for: Indoor hot and cold-water supply lines

Cross-linked polyethylene (PEX) pipes are made from a type of flexible plastic. Thanks to their flexibility, ease of use and installation and low cost, PEX pipes are a popular choice for DIY plumbers and modern residential plumbing. They can easily be found in any home improvement store and have replaced copper piping as the most popular type of plumbing pipe in the United States.


  • Color-coded for your convenience (red pipes are for hot water, blue pipes are for cold water and white or gray pipes can carry both but are often used for single-line uses to help easily identify lines used to supply exterior spigots or single-temp faucets)
  • Durable, quiet and long-lasting, does not corrode over time
  • No soldering or advanced labor skills necessary to install and use
  • Variety of options and sizes are available at stores (1/4&#; to 1&#; diameters available in 10-foot lengths or 100&#; to 500&#; coils)


  • UV exposure will cause pipes to harden and crack, meaning PEX cannot be used outdoors or for any exterior plumbing needs
  • Exposure to extremely high heat (180º F) can melt the plastic
  • Cannot be easily recycled
  • More easily damaged by chemicals and pests (e.g. mice) than copper pipes


Best for: Cold water plumbing

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipes are a common type of piping, used residentially, commercially and industrially. This familiar white pipe can be found connected to appliances and used as a main water supply line. Their versatility makes PVC pipes an obvious go-to for many plumbing solutions, since they are resistant to high water pressure, can be used both indoors and outdoors and have a long life expectancy when properly maintained (50-100+ years). For PVC pipes that can withstand more extensive damage and hot/cold temperatures, look into CPVC (chlorinated polyvinyl chloride) pipes.


  • Lightweight, strong and durable; does not corrode or rust
  • Easy to find at any home improvement store in a variety of lengths and sizes
  • Easy to install and maintain over time
  • Recyclable


  • Damaged by hot temperatures
  • Pipes are not very flexible unless purchased pre-bent; rigidity makes them non-ideal for small or tight spaces
  • Some places may not allow PVC piping


Best for: Water supply lines

Copper pipes remain the standard non-flexible choice for most plumbing needs, particularly when it comes to water supply lines. Up until the introduction of flexible plastic pipes like PVC and PEX, copper pipes were the most common type of pipe in residential housing. Copper pipes are durable&#;they can withstand significant amounts of pressure&#;but they are also more expensive than plastic counterparts. Many professional plumbers will use both copper and plastic pipes in residential installations.


  • Lightweight and aesthetically pleasing
  • No contamination of the water
  • Not as harmful to the environment compared to plastic pipes


  • May cause water to taste metallic (often fades with time)
  • Corrode slowly over time, or rapidly in the presence of acidic water
  • Requires soldering for connections

Flexible Hoses (Flexi Pipes)

Best for: Short connections from appliances to water supply lines

Flexible hoses, also known as flexi pipes, flex lines or braided hoses, are made from rubber surrounded by stainless steel. They typically make the final connection between a home&#;s water supply line and the actual appliances, like toilets, washing machines and sinks. Flexi pipes are readily available in hardware stores and can be found in a variety of sizes and lengths.


  • Can be used in tight areas and small spaces due to their flexible nature
  • Easy to replace


  • Short lifespan; must be replaced and regularly maintained
  • Braided stainless steel cover may fray and break, increasing the risk for a burst pipe

Cast Iron

Best for: Drain, waste and vent systems (sewer drainage)

Cast iron pipes have fallen out of favor in modern times, in part due to the availability of excellent alternatives like copper and PEX piping. By far the greatest issue with cast iron pipes, though, is how susceptible they are to rusting out&#;a process that can quickly and significantly damage your plumbing infrastructure. While you can still find cast iron pipes used in the drainage systems of older homes, they are rarely used in new builds and require lots of vigilance to maintain.


  • Strong and durable pipe system that can withstand high amounts of pressure
  • Can last a long time when properly managed and maintained
  • Quiet, since pipe walls are thick
  • Resistant to heat, even high temperatures and will not melt


  • Susceptible to rust (corrosion) over time, with repairs being expensive, time-consuming and inconvenient
  • Pipes are heavy and unwieldy to move and install
  • Pipes can clog, slowing down the drainage process and even causing a sewer back up
  • Expensive, both in the initial purchase and installation and for any necessary repairs

Galvanized Steel Pipes

Best for: Water supply lines; however, this piping is rarely used today

Like cast iron pipes, galvanized steel pipes are typically found in older homes. In fact, if you have galvanized pipes, the general recommendation is that you get them replaced with a more modern alternative. The likelihood of a galvanized steel pipe internally corroding and causing extensive damage to your home is very high, particularly the older your system is. Similarly, once a pipe begins to corrode, the metals&#;sometimes including lead, depending on the quality of the materials used and the date of installation&#;can contaminate your water supply.


  • Dipped in zinc to prevent and delay corrosion
  • Variety of lengths and sizes available
  • Long lifespan when properly maintained


  • High risk of internal corrosion, contaminating the water supply, causing discoloration and restricting flow
  • Calcium deposits can build up inside the pipe, causing low water pressure and other blockage
  • Not widely used in modern residential buildings today


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A Guide for Choosing Plumbing Piping Materials

Learn About the Different Types of Piping Materials

Sometimes plumbing projects can be daunting, especially for someone who is new to DIY plumbing. If you are making home renovations or replacing old piping, the first step is to figure out what material to use for piping. Choosing piping is a tough task, but can be made easy if you know the pros and cons of all the major types of piping materials. That's what we will be looking at in this post.

Before you can decide what type of pipe to use, you need to consider what it will be used for. Is it delivering water? Draining it? Will it be outdoor? Indoor? Underground? High pressure or low? As you can see, you need to answer a lot of questions before making a decision. We can't answer all of those questions for you, but we can help you make that decision once you have the answers. Keep reading to learn about each of the major players in the plumbing pipe scene.


Here at PVC Fittings online, we love all things PVC for good reason! When looking at all the different types of plumbing pipe, PVC stands out because of its low cost, minimal weight, ease of installation, and impressive structural integrity, just to name a few of its great qualities. PVC (which stands for polyvinyl chloride, a real mouthful) is a type of plastic piping that uses a system of pipe and fittings, joined together with PVC primer and cement, to transport liquid.

PVC is typically the least expensive per foot, with a largely consistent sizing system and no risk of rusting. It also insulates much more effectively than metal piping. PVC, regardless of its great qualities, does have a few drawbacks. First, it is not rated for hot water use and will start to break down at temperatures higher than 140F. Second, many building codes do not allow PVC pipe to be used for drinking water. This is because when exposed to UV rays, PVC can corrode and release toxins into its contents.

Common PVC Applications: Toilet drains, sink drains and bathtub/shower drains.

Our PVC Piping & PVC Fitting Products


CPVC (chlorinated polyvinyl chloride) is PVC that has gone through an extra chlorination. This may not sound very significant, but it solves PVC's major problems. CPVC can handle higher temperatures, making it safe for hot water applications. It is also rated for drinking water. While it is slightly more expensive than regular PVC, CPVC is still an low-cost plumbing option that can operate as the primary pipe material for an entire building's plumbing system.

CPVC is so useful, in fact, that it is often used to replace copper pipe when systems are repaired or updated. When compared to copper, it is almost always  a smarter option. CPVC is not as loud, heavy, expensive, or hard to install as copper pipe. The main advantages of copper are its high pressure tolerance and the fact that it deals better with low temperatures. If water freezes in CPVC, the pipe can crack, so it is only recommended for indoor use.

Our CPVC Piping & CPVC Fitting Products

Common CPVC Applications: Home plumbing, hot water, potable water, hot water drains.


PEX (short for cross-linked polyethylene) is a type of plastic tubing constructed from high-density polyethylene. It is a relatively new innovation in the world of plumbing, but that does not mean it's not already famous. PEX tubing is durable, with the ability to withstand high pressures and temperatures. It is also inexpensive, costing much less to buy and install than Copper. But what really sets PEX pipe apart from the rest is its flexibility. PEX can literally be bent, curved, and snaked to get around corners without the use of fittings! This makes installation much easier than other types of piping! And did I mention PEX is color-coded for hot and cold sections?

When connections do need to be made in PEX systems, fittings are typically made of brass, which provides a solid hub. To make connections, users do not need glue, cement, or welding. Instead, metal crimp rings are used to squeeze tubing to fittings. A special crimping tool must be used to make these connections. PEX, which is also very resistant to chemicals and corrosion, also has a few negative aspects. It, like PVC and CPVC is not recyclable. PEX tubing also degrades very quickly in ultraviolet light, so it is not rated for outdoor use.

Common PEX Applications: New homes, remodeling, low ventilation zones.

Our PEX Fitting Products


Copper piping has been the standard for plumbing systems since the s. This is due to its many great qualities, including high pressure tolerance, impressive temperature rating, and wide ranging chemical resistances. It is a tough material that can last a long time and take punishment. Where copper continues to shine, even with all the new innovations in plumbing, is in low temperature applications. It does not crack or burst when water freezes inside the pipe, unlike PVC and CPVC.

Despite all its advantages, copper falls behind in many respects. First, and most importantly, copper is expensive. Not only is the piping itself several times the price of CPVC or PEX, it is also more expensive to install, requiring a professional who knows how to weld. Aside from price, copper piping is also loud and heavy. Finally, copper conducts heat, meaning it does not preserve the temperature of hot water very well at all. Despite how common and standard copper has been in the past, you may want to consider using a more modern plastic material.

Common Copper Applications: Commercial and residential plumbing, potable water.


Brass piping is an even older option than copper with many of the same advantages. It naturally resists corrosion from water and many chemicals. It also has impressive strength, with even thicker walls than copper. This makes brass one of the best types of piping materials for high pressure systems. It is also a material most plumbers are familiar with and know how to install, which is helpful when using a contractor.

Brass has some of the same problems as copper, however, which is why it is not typically used as a go-to piping material anymore. In addition to noise, weight, and cost, brass can also contain trace amounts of lead. Today, most brass is lead-free, but you should never purchase any brass plumbing materials for potable systems until you are sure they are 100% lead-free. Check local plumbing code before using brass for your system.

Common Brass Applications: Water supply lines, gas lines.

Galvanized Piping

Galvanized piping is usually made from steel or iron. The word "galvanized" refers to the zinc coating covering these pipes and fittings. The coating gives the pipes a shiny gray look and makes them excellent at resisting rust. Galvanized metal is often used in construction, but it also works for water pipes. One of the most helpful qualities of galvanized piping is that it can be installed outdoors or underground due to it's strength.

Galvanized pipe should not be used for gas, as gas can remove the galvanized coating. These systems can also be difficult to install, depending on whether you are working with iron or steel. As always, check local code to ensure you are able to use this pipe.

Common Galvanized Applications: Water supply lines, underground & outdoor applications.


For more information, please visit types of pipe fittings.