T-Rex Studio Clamps Pro for German WWII Panzer

02 Jul.,2024


T-Rex Studio Clamps Pro for German WWII Panzer


For more information, please visit german clamps.

A Review of T-Rex Studio set of 3D printed tool clamps for German WWII vehicles.


T-Rex Studio is a relatively recent company focused on 3D Printed items. Thus, not only they use 3D technologies for the design and test, but the product you get has been printed as well.

Their range is extending and covers a wide variety of subjects. No doubt 3D printing nowadays allows a precision and detail comparable, if not superior, to the old method of casting, avoiding also bubbles or deformations if correctly done.

The first set I have had the chance to review is for German Tool clamps.

First look

First impression is very good, a stylish cardboard box with clear photo of the product.

Inside is even better, with a zip bag and a plastic, rigid, box that protects the product. The box is also padded inside with foam, together with elevated sides of the bed for the parts, I find very difficult to get a damaged set. All in all, excellent packaging.

Now for the parts, the set comes with a board divided in four main sections. These are for large and small clamps, early and late models. Depending on the vehicle and tool involved, you can choose the one needed.

There are two columns for each type, and a half of it is for open clamps while the other half are closed.

Thus, on a single package we get any combination of early and late clamps, largo or small, open or closed. There are sixteen clamps of each type.

For more clamp with handleinformation, please contact us. We will provide professional answers.

All parts have a fine detail, there is no warping and no imperfections. I do not see steps from the printing process either.

They are all very thin, both the flat parts and the handles, and in my opinion they can replace photoetch equivalents without any loss of quality or detail.

The resin used to print is quite soft and flexible, although it does not look so. I find it very clever, as the thin parts are not so fragile and allow a good amount of manipulation without breaking them.

In use

Removing the clamps from the bed is quite easy, and being flexible means less chances to  break them. On the other hand, you need a clean cut, preferably using a one-edge side cutter, to remove the trees. In my experience using a blade, even a sharp one, was more difficult as the part moves as you cut (similar to cutting old vinyl parts).

They are so small that I have not been able to get photos as clear as I would like , unfortunately my equipment is limited for a proper lightning and macro photography of such small and detailed items. From the general views above you can get a better image of what they look.

Using the clamps once removed is absolutely straightforward: insert the handle of the tool and you are done. No other assembling, folding or gluing required. Although I did not try myself, In case the handle has a ball at the end (like some shovels), you may cut the base of the clamp and insert the handle in place. The clamp will return to its shape and after gluing it to the tank, the cut should not be seen.


I am very impressed with this set, not only because of the level of detail but also for the choice of material. Being flexible means less risk of breaking it while removing or manipulating it, plus once installed the small hits that often happens will not bend or break the part. If any fault, I would have liked a higher ratio of closed vs. open clamps, as the latter are less used

Easy to remove and use, resistant and well detailed, I consider these clamps a convenient replacement for either the molded ones or even photoetch parts.

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