What are the Control of Noise at Work Regulations?
The Regulations are Chapter 1 of Part 5 of the General Application Regulations . These Regulations revoke and replace the European Communities (Protection of Workers)(Exposure to Noise) Regulations (S.I. No. 157 of ) and replace the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Control of Noise at Work) Regulations (S.I. No. 371 of ). The purpose of these Regulations is to transpose Directive /10/EC of the European Parliament on the minimum health and safety requirements regarding the exposure of employees to the risks arising from physical agents (noise).
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What legislation is available to protect workers from noise exposure?
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What are the risks for employees exposed to high levels of noise?
Exposure to high levels of noise, either continuously or as a loud sudden 'bang' from equipment such as cartridge-operated tools or guns, can have a number of physiological and psychological effects on workers including stress, tinnitus and if exposed to high noise levels over long periods of time, permanent loss of hearing can occur. High noise levels can also interfere with communications in the workplace, leading to an increased risk of accidents.
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Should workers be informed if noise exposure levels are too high?
Workers and their representatives must be informed:
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What action should be taken when the noise exposure level is too high?
First Action Level 80dB (A): - Regulation 125 specifies the actions that must be taken by the employer when the level is between 80dB (A) and 85dB (A). The employer must (in addition to reducing noise levels by general action) inform each potentially affected worker and their representatives of the following:
Regulations 126 and 127 specify, in addition to the previous requirements, when the level is above 85dB (A) the employer must:
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What action should be taken when the noise exposure is at the Second Action Level 85dB (A)?
Regulations 126 and 127 specify, in addition to the previous requirements, when the level is above 85dB (A) the employer must:
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What factors should be considered in the cause of noise induced hearing loss?
An employer should look at both of the following:
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How is the noise level measured?
This is measured in units known as decibels dB (A). However as a rough guide, if it is difficult to hear a normal conversation at a distance of 2m from the person speaking, it is likely that the noise levels in the area are above the levels permitted under these regulations (i.e. over 80dB (A))
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How long should a worker be exposed to noise?
In accordance with the current regulations every employer shall reduce the risks resulting from exposure to noise to the lowest level reasonably practicable, taking account of technical progress and the availability of measures to control the noise in particular, at source. However the potential risk to an employees hearing can be related to the length of time a person is exposed to certain levels of noise, both daily and the cumulative amounts over a number of years.
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How often should measurements be taken?
Measurement of noise must be repeated at appropriate intervals especially if there is any significant change in work patterns or equipment. The measurements must reflect the actual amount of noise the worker is exposed to over the working day. Measurements can either be taken using the appropriate equipment, in the workplace used by the worker or by using instruments attached to the worker.
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What is the daily noise exposure level?
This is the time ' weighted average of the noise level which an employee is exposed to for a nominal eight hour working day, which is defined by an international standard ISO. If the daily noise exposure varies from one working day to the next, employers may use a weekly noise exposure level to assess the levels of noise to which an employee may be exposed to.
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What is the weekly noise exposure level?
This is the time weighted average of the daily noise exposure levels for a normal week of a five eight hour working days. This may be used by employer to determine the noise exposure to employees if the daily noise exposure varies from one working day to the next.
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What are exposure action values?
The Noise Regulations require an employer to take specific action at certain action values. These are the daily noise exposure level or the peak sound pressure level which, if exceeded, for an employee, action will need to be taken to reduce the risk.
These relate to:
The values are:
lower exposure action values:
upper exposure action values:
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What are the exposure limit values?
This is the daily noise exposure or a peak sound pressure level which must not be exceeded for an employee in the workplace. When an employer is determining the exposure limit value they must take account of the attenuation provided by individual hearing protectors which are worn by the employees.
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What is peak sound pressure?
This is the maximum value of the 'C' frequency weighted instantaneous noise pressure. This can be short bursts of noise energy at any given time.
Sound pressure (p) is the average variation in atmospheric pressure caused by the sound. (Unit ' Pascal)
The pressure is continuously varying between positive and negative values, so the average variation is measured by its root mean square.
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When can an employer use weekly noise exposure level in place of daily noise exposure when assessing level of noise be carried out?
Regulation 123, section 4 states that; an employer can use weekly noise exposure level, when there is a constant variation in the daily noise exposure from one working day to the next for the purposes of applying the exposure limit values and the exposure action values, to assess the levels of noise to which his or her employees are exposed, provided that,
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When should a risk assessment for noise be carried out?
When a risk assessment is been carried out an employer shall, if necessary, measure the noise levels which his or her employees are exposed to.
Regulation 124 states that Determination and Assessment of risks must be carried out when;
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What should an employer give particular attention to when carrying out a risk assessment?
When an employer is carrying out a risk assessment the regulations require that he or she takes reasonable steps to satisfy him or herself that the assessment meets the requirements of the regulations , even if the assessment is been carried out by persons outside the company. Particular attention should be given to the following:
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When should the risk assessment be reviewed?
Regulation 131 states that the Risk assessment be reviewed, where the results of health surveillance show it to be necessary.
If circumstances in your workplace have changed, this may affect the noise exposure.
Regular reviews should be carried out to ensure continuity to do all that is reasonably practicable to control the noise risks. Even if it appears that nothing has changed, you should not leave it for more than about two years without checking whether a review is needed.
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What information and training should workers receive?
Information and training relating to risk resulting from exposure to noise should include:
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What steps can an employer take to prevent or control the risks associated with noise induced hearing loss?
As with any other hazard the control of noise has a hierarchy of control options: elimination, substitution, PPE etc.
Noise elimination and control can be seen as:
The options can be summarised as follows:
The basic rule is to make the workplace as quiet as possible and only when you have done everything in your power (i.e. is reasonable practicable) to make it quiet, use suitable and adequate personal hearing protection.
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Is the employer responsible to supply ear protection?
Regulation 129 states that the employer must supply sufficient numbers of suitable ear protectors, consulting with the workers regarding suitability and adequacy of the type chosen. Ear protectors are only suitable and adequate, if and when properly worn; they will reduce the level of noise experienced by the employee to a level below 85 dBA. Part of the necessary training will be to ensure that workers know exactly how and when to use the ear protection chosen.
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If you are looking for more details, kindly visit Shitai.
How should personal protection devices be chosen?
The choice between earmuff and earplugs must be done using the following criteria:
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What type of PPE should be used?
PPE such as earplugs and earmuffs should be used as a last resort after all efforts to eliminate or reduce the source of the noise have been exhausted.
There are Irish, British and International Standards (ISO) set for ear protectors. The National Standards of Ireland can be contacted on 01 or visit their website on http://www.nsai.ie/
BS EN 352-1-3: ' Hearing protectors, safety requirements & testing. Earmuffs, earplugs and earmuffs attached to an industrial safety helmet can be viewed on http://www.bsi-global.com/
Also Schedule 2 of Regulation 62 of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (General Applications Regulations), provides a non-exhaustive guide list of activities and sectors of activity, which may require the protection of personal protective equipment. These include:
Schedule 2 (Regulation 62) also provides a non-exhaustive guide list of items of PPE. To prevent noise induced hearing loss these include:
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Can a worker in a noisy environment be overprotected?
Yes, if the protection (known as attenuation) provided by personal ear protection is too high, workers are overprotected. Communication becomes difficult and people are working in isolation. Standard EN 458 states that the level of attenuation (protection) is good if the noise level is 5 dB under the national action level. This will mean that communications in the workplace is not disturbed too much.
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Which are better, ear muffs or ear plugs?
There is no definite answer to this. The following should be considered when choosing which to wear:
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Who should hearing checks / health surveillance be made available to and why?
Health surveillance (hearing checks/audiometric testing) should be made available to employees where the risk assessment revealed a risk to their health.
The purpose is to provide an early diagnosis of any hearing loss due to noise exposure, and to assist in the preservation of hearing, using the results to more accurately target noise reduction in the workplace, training and work practices etc.
Ideally testing is carried out before exposing an employee to a work environment where high noise levels are the norm, to establish a baseline measurement, and the testing repeated at regular intervals to determine if there are any changes.
Further information on health surveillance is available here.
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What Legislation is applicable to Health Surveillance / Audiometric Testing?
Chapter 1 of Part 5 of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (General Application) Regulations (S.I. No. 299 of ) as amended sets down the minimum requirements for the protection of workers from the health risks associated with noise in the workplace.
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What to expect from an Occupational Health Provider?
The hearing checks should to be carried out by someone who has the appropriate training and experience needed, and in accordance with the relevant recommended European / International standards for testing. They should be able to advise you on a suitable programme for your employees, set it up, and provide reports on your employee's fitness to continue work with noise exposure. For that reason, the whole health surveillance programme needs to be under the control of an occupational health professional (for example a registered medical practitioner / doctor or a nurse with appropriate training and experience and competence).
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What to do with the results of Health Surveillance?
If an employer ceases to trade they must notify the Authority in writing and make available to the Authority all health records kept by them in accordance with the regulations.
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What if an employee's pre-employment audiometry indicates hearing loss?
Having existing hearing loss should not be used as an automatic reason for exclusion from a noisy workplace - some hearing losses (particularly Conductive) may even reduce the susceptibility to Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL). It is important for the employer to be aware of their responsibilities under Equality Legislation as well as Health and Safety Legislation. In general the questions which need to be answered are:
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Who is exempt from the requirements of the Control of Noise at Work Regulations?
The Authority may in exceptional situations by certificate of writing exempt any person or class of persons from the requirements of Regulations 128 and 129 where:
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What does the Authority have to do to grant an exemption?
Before an exemption is granted The Authority must:
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What is the transitional period for sea-going vessels?
Regulation 128 shall not apply until 15 February .
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Can noise cause stress?
Work related stress is experienced when the demands of the work environment exceed the worker's ability to cope with them. Work related stress is normally the result of a combination of risk factors that can include the exposure to other workplace hazards (e.g. dangerous machinery, loud noise) and the work environment itself (e.g. poor lighting, ventilation, noise). Some noise may have a tonal quality, which may cause a particular nuisance and increase an individual's stress.
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Can noisy work environment increase the likelihood of accidents?
A noisy workplace can increase the risk of accidents in two ways. First, high noise levels can make it more difficult to hear approaching dangers (e.g. vehicles) and warnings (either verbal or alarms). Secondly, noise can increase the likelihood of accidents through creating demands on attention and affecting concentration. Information will be processed less efficiently, reflexes will be slower and risk-taking will increase. This does not leave much capacity for noticing risks and emergencies that may cause accidents and therefore increases the likelihood for accidents to happen.
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Are certain occupations more exposed to noise level than others?
Working conditions in the entertainment industry differ from those in other industries, in several respects. In particular employees may be obliged to work in environments where high sound levels are so loud that they actually cause loss of hearing. Those most likely to be at risk from exposure to loud music include:
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What can be done to improve the noise from music in my nightclub?
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Should music be used to block out a noisy workplace?
In order to hear music in a noisy workplace, it has to be played at a level 10-15 dBA over any background noise. This means that the music itself becomes the major source of noise exposure in the workplace. This also applies to personal music systems such as Walkmans as well as any music being played over loudspeakers.
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How can quiet machinery be chosen?
Work equipment and plant are usually the major reason for high sound pressure levels. EU Directive /14/EC states that machinery must be so designed and constructed that noise is reduced to the minimum in particular at source. The manufacturer must include in the machinery instructions, any information concerning noise emission if the noise emission exceeds 70 dBA. Where noise level does not exceed 70 dBA this must be indicated. Also peak C-weighted instantaneous sound pressure value where this exceeds 63 Pa (130 dB in relation to 20µPa) must be mentioned.
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How can a noise problem be identified?
An employer must assess the level of noise in the workplace. If any workers are exposed to a daily personal noise exposure above 80dB (A), then appropriate measurements must be taken in accordance with the regulations and the original EU Directive i.e. carry out an occupational noise assessment.
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What is a competent person?
A competent person is someone:
In accordance with the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act ; a person shall be deemed to be competent when they possess sufficient training, experience and knowledge appropriate to the task being undertaken
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What Publications are available from the HSA regarding noise?
The following are available from the HSA Publications Unit or from website
Concerned About Your Hearing
Guidelines on Hearing Checks and Audiometry: A Guide to Hearing Checks and Preventative Audiometric Testing ' NOTE this publication is currently under review
The Noise of Music: A Guide to Exposure to Noise in the Entertainment Industry
Control of Noise: A guide to the Safety Health and Welfare at Work (General Application) Regulations . Chapter 1 of Parts 5: Control of Noise at Work
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