What are the pros and cons of paperback and hardcover?

25 Apr.,2024



Books have always been cherished companions, offering escapism, knowledge, and a gateway to different worlds. However, when choosing between paperback and hardcovers, readers often find themselves at a crossroads. Both formats have unique characteristics that cater to different preferences. In this article, we will compare the differences between paperback and hardcover books, exploring their advantages and disadvantages, and seeing which format will be more beneficial for your business.



What are the differences between paperback and hardcover?

To help you to understand more about how paperback and hardcover books work, follow the information below:

What is the meaning of paperback?

Paperback books refer to books that are bound with a flexible and lightweight cover made of thick paper or cardstock. They are commonly characterised by their soft, pliable covers and are often released after the initial hardcover edition of a book.

Production value

What makes paperback books more flexible is how they are held together by glue. However, this makes it harder for them to lay flat if this is how you prefer to read your books. Alternatively, you can use a book weight to keep them propped open.

Less expensive

Paperback books are typically less expensive than hardcover editions and are known for both their portability and affordability. They have become widely popular due to their convenience, making them accessible to a wider audience.

Size matters

Average paperback book sizes are between five to six inches wide, and eight or nine inches high. They also weigh less than a hardcover book, making it easier for you to carry around.


Paperback books are commonly found in bookstores, libraries, and online retailers, catering to diverse reading preferences and interests.

Other features of paperback books

Did you know that publishers choose to release paperback books as an affordable alternative to popular titles? This can either be due to buyers not wanting to pay more for a hardcover book, or that the publishing company wishes to give the customer more purchase options for their products at cheaper prices.

Furthermore, paperback books are more favourable in non-fiction genres, since the topic requires more updates quicker, including science and technology, so paperbacks can be produced at a cheaper price to keep up to date with these trends.

Advanced review copies (ARCs) of books will be sent to book critics to review in a paperback format since, again, they are cheaper to produce.

Get your paper measurements right with our complete guide to printing paper sizes.

What is the meaning of hardcover?

Hardcover books, on the other hand, have a rigid and durable cover made from thick boards. The covers of hardback books are typically constructed with a layer of thin or heavy paperboard, which provides extra protection and sturdiness to the pages.

Hardcover books are known for their robustness and ability to withstand wear and tear. They are often released as the initial edition of a book and are usually of higher quality and durability compared to paperback editions. Hardcover books are commonly associated with a more formal and traditional presentation, featuring decorative elements, embossing, or dust jackets.

They are favoured by collectors, those seeking long-lasting books, and individuals who appreciate the aesthetic appeal and tactile experience that hardcovers provide.


One of the main reasons that hardcover books are so popular is because, as the name suggests, is how long lasting that they are due to their cover design. Other times this cardboard can be wrapped in cloth, matte or glossy paper dust jackets. Author name and book title will also be stamped alongside the binding.

Want to know more about binding? Check out the best binding for booklets.

Stapling or Stitching Binding

Another great feature about hardcover books is how they can either be stitched or stapled together. These methods are extremely effective in ensuring that the spine is more flexible and can suit the reader’s needs better when handling a book that is generally harder to hold in your hands. This makes it a better advantage for laying books open flat, unlike paperback books.

Better-Quality Paper

Akin to paperback books, hardcovers are constructed using acid-free paper[i], which enables the products to remain thicker and have a premium design, whilst being highly unlikely to be easily damaged or worn away by external elements.

Larger size

The average hardcover book can be ¼ size bigger than paperback books, encompassing six to eight and a half inches in length. Whilst these may not be the most practical books to carry around on your person, it is all about the quality, and the font will be larger, which is particularly useful for those who may be short sighted.

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When deciding whether to choose paperback vs hardcover, you also have to think about their functionality. This can vary based on an individual’s preferences and needs for reading. Paperback books, with their lightweight and compact nature, offer easy portability and can be conveniently bent and squeezed into the corners of bags or backpacks.

On the other hand, hardcover books provide a sturdy and visually appealing option. They surpass paperbacks in terms of durability, withstanding the test of time. Additionally, the aesthetic charm and collectability of hardcovers contribute to their ability to retain value over the long term.

Consider your target audience when choosing between paperback and hardcover editions. The choice between these formats is often determined by the nature of the content. For instance, renowned references like Encyclopaedia Britannica[ii] are typically published in hardcover to reflect their authoritative and enduring nature. On the other hand, fiction or autobiographies may be more commonly found in paperback format, which offers a more wipeable surface that may be practical for certain reading situations.


When crafting the design of your books, you should consider how the readers will utilise the books as well as whether they will find them appealing, both to hold as well as when on a bookshelf.

Paperback books can often forebode an inferior design compared to higher-quality hardcovers. On the other hand, hardcovers can be considered more unnecessary due to their higher cost. To ensure market competitiveness, it is advisable to examine what your competitors are offering and strive for a similar approach.

According to letterreview[iii], “paperback sells more copies, reaching a higher volume. However, hardcover books generate a higher return per book sold, so authors can make more money with fewer sales. […] self-publishers should consider printing both cover types, as each appeals to a particular market.” With this in mind, you need to contemplate these factors when choosing the cover design, but it will make more sense to use paperbacks since these will generate more sales and you may be more likely to generate more money than hardcovers in the long run.

Putting market considerations aside, it is widely acknowledged that hardcover books possess an allure that paperbacks simply cannot replicate. If you seek to create a desirable product and can establish a price point that does not deter potential buyers, opting for a hardcover edition is the better option.


Regrettably, self-publishing for hardcover books is increasingly posing greater challenges. Only a limited number of printers cater to self-publishers and offer hardcover printing services, imposing minimum quantities that surpass an author's requirements. Therefore, you should verify the availability of a capable printer before finalising your plans for a hardcover book.


Another factor to consider when choosing between paperback vs hardcovers is about publishing online and eBooks, which have increasingly become more popular with the invention of the internet. More people are choosing to read online since this will help reduce storage space, and readers may find it easier to read from a kindle without having to worry about pages getting damaged. Reading online also offers instance access for books, as opposed to having to buy or rent one from a bookshop or library.

Even for authors who may be less technologically inclined, exploring this avenue is worthwhile. While you may not have the opportunity to savour the scent of a physical book, ePublishing minimises risks and maximizes on the rewards of self-publishing. Should you still desire a tangible copy, you can always arrange for a printing run at a later stage. This factor focuses more on the experience of reading, and your personal preferences over whether you want your readers to have instant access for your books, or to buy a paperback or hardcover copy from a shop, will greatly defer.

Pros and Cons of Paperback vs Hardcover

With so many factors to consider between paperbacks and hardcovers, the table below can help give you a more concrete answer over the qualities of each product to help you choose which is right for you and your business.





Thick paper


Paperboard cover

Thick cardboard wrapped in cloth; dust jacket


Less durable

More durable




Higher quality


Will not discolour or fade





Will not discolour or fade


Occasionally thicker







5-6 inches on average

6-8 ½ inches on average


Smaller size

Bigger size


Smaller between lines

Bigger between lines


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Pros of hardcover books

  • More appealing visually.
  • Pages will not get damaged easily.
  • Doesn’t always need bookmark.
  • A great fit for collectors.

Cons of hardcover books

  • Heavier to carry.

Pros of paperback books

  • Cheaper to buy.
  • Lighter, easier to carry.
  • Accessibility for titles.

Cons of paperback books

  • Pages are easier to break or tear.
  • Covers can be damaged.

Choose paperback when travelling!

With their lightweight and floppier appearance, paperback books are the preferred choice for those who are travelling. They will fit great in suitcases and travel bags in planes and cars, or even when you are commuting. Sometimes, it is possible to stash paperback books in your pocket, which is great for downtime reading during the day. This is also why most maps are in paperback format, so that it is easier for tourists and backpackers to carry around on their person.

Choose hardcovers for more lifetime value!

Hardcovers are naturally built to last due to their cost and binding, and in general, can withstand wear and tear better than paperbacks. If you want to preserve your books for longer, hardcover is the way to go. Even if you buy one for a friend or family member, they provide a great gift, due to their appearance and weight, that both you and the receiver will be getting your value for money and quality.

Paperback vs Hardcover: Which is Better?

There are many factors to consider when choosing the differences between paperback and hardcover books, whether it be for your business, self-publishing purposes, or even if you are looking to create your own book collection. While hardcover printing can be costlier and less accessible for self-published authors, paperback editions generally offer a more viable option for both the author and the consumer. Ultimately, the decision between paperback vs hardcover formats should be based on the main factors:

  • Production costs.
  • Target audience preferences.
  • Long-term usage.
  • Potential fan base support.
  • Goals of the author.


Why do individuals have a preference for hardcover or paperback books?

The allure of hardcover books stems from their larger size, durability, and premium quality, making them a preferred choice for many readers. On the other hand, some individuals opt for paperback editions due to their lower cost, lighter weight, and enhanced portability.

Why is the price of hardcover books sometimes lower than paperback?

In most cases, hardcover books are not priced lower than their paperback counterparts. However, occasional instances of lower prices may occur when publishers have produced more hardcover copies than the demand and are willing to reduce prices to recover at least a portion of their expenses.

Are paperback and hardcover books identical?

In terms of the content of the book, paperback and hardcover editions are the same. However, hardcover editions may include additional elements like illustrations or forewords. There are distinct differences in their appearance, texture, and cost, with hardcover books often commanding a higher price point.

Which option is superior: paperback or hardcover?

The answer to this question varies depending on individual preferences and needs. Paperbacks generally offer a lower price point, lighter weight, and ease of transportation. Conversely, hardcover books boast increased durability and are often printed with higher quality materials, appealing to those seeking a more premium reading experience.

What sets novels in hardcover and paperback editions apart?

Typically, novels are first released in hardcover editions, followed by paperback editions a year or two later. While the content remains the same, hardcover editions may feature supplementary materials such as forewords and illustrations. Additionally, paperback versions are generally more affordable, catering to a wider range of readers.



[i] Preservation Equipment Ltd. (n.d.). What is Acid-Free Paper? [Online]. Available at: https://www.preservationequipment.com/Catalogue/Conservation-Materials/Paper-Board/What-is-acid-free-paper [accessed 15/06/23]

[ii] Britannica. (n.d.) [online] Available at: https://www.britannica.com/ [accessed 15/06/23]

[iii] LetterReview. (n.d.) Hardcover vs. Paperback: What Sells More Copies? [online] Available at: https://letterreview.com/hardcover-vs-paperback-what-sells-more-copies/ [accessed 15/06/23]

Your masterpiece is finally completed! After pouring your heart and soul into your first foray into authorship, you are ready to embark on the self-publishing journey.

At the behest of some sage wisdom received, you have hired a professional to tackle the cover design for your book. And, because it has turned out utterly spectacular, you want to do this cover proud. So, now the big question that looms before you: paperback vs. hardcover?

Most of us have been groomed over the years to consider a hardcover book to be superior to the “lowly” paperback. In fact, publishers will typically launch a title in hardcover with a dust jacket amid all sorts of fanfare announcing the fresh-off-the-press next bestseller. Savvy readers understood that by playing the waiting game, usually up to a year, the paperback version would be released for a fraction of the original price.

But times are a-changin’. Hardcover books are still all that for certain book genres, namely textbooks, children’s books, first-edition fiction, and coffee table books — and most of these will never appear in paperback form. But, regardless, in recent years, a clear preference for paperback has taken some of the wind out of the hardcover’s sails — and sales.

Self-publishing services offer a gamut of cover options, making the decision of which cover to select for your project a head-scratching exercise in calculating profit, determining the projected use of your book, and what cover type is standard for your particular genre.

To navigate all this, let’s first consider the primary differences between hardcover and paper options.

Pros and Cons of Paperback vs. Hardcover

Researching paperback vs. hardcover preferences can leave you cross-eyed. Surprisingly, some sources claim that paperback is the pricier option, which defies logic.

I mean, why do people think paperback is more expensive than hardcover when retail prices for each clearly tell the real story. The hardcover and paperback price differences reflect the publishing costs. So, go ahead and toss that out, because in the real world, hardcover publishing is a higher-priced endeavor, resulting in a higher price tag at the retail level.

But cost isn’t the only guiding factor when deciding which cover option to choose for your book. There are other reasons why someone might have a preference when purchasing a book, so if you are considering the hardcover vs. paperback options it may all come down to such nuances as these:

  • Hardcover books just feel more substantial, like they are more valuable.
  • Hardcover books are more durable.
  • Your personal library consists of hardcover books, so you seek those out.
  • A hardcover book seems more legit, more authoritative.
  • A paperback book is easier to tote around.
  • A paperback book is cheaper, so people can buy two of them for the price of one hardcover book in many cases.
  • A paperback book feels more intimate –– you can cuddle up with one.
  • Because paperback books are smaller, you can fit more books in your bookcase.

Why is paperback cheaper than hardcover?

The cost difference between the paperback and hardcover options is due to the lower cost of materials, plus the ability to mass-produce a paperback book. Hardcovers involve more manual labor to produce, in addition to higher material costs and more complicated printing processes.

But this is just one example of the wide array of opinions you will have to sift through as you do your homework about self-publishing at large, and selecting a cover in particular.

Differences Between Paperback and Hardcover

Gathered here are the most commonly cited differences between hardcover and paperback:

Paperback Books

A paperback or softcover book uses a heavy cardstock, either glossy or matte, to protect the interior content. Some paperback books feature flaps to contain the book details and author bio. Additionally, the extra cover space provides for artwork and graphics.

We all love to cuddle up with a great paperback, don’t we? And for good reason:


  • Paperback editions are lightweight, more portable, and have lower shipping costs
  • They are pliable, making them easy to bend and pack into tight spaces
  • Paperbacks feel more consumable, and we are inspired to plow through them
  • Paperbacks cost at least half as much as hardcover books to publish
  • People who like to annotate their books feel less guilty marking up mass-market paperbacks than hardcovers

Then again, the paperback does have a few drawbacks:


  • Paperback covers can become tired looking, with curling corners and nicks
  • Paperbacks don’t carry the status of hardcover books
  • There is more competition in the paperback category

Hardcover Books

Self-publishing hardcover books can be accomplished using a couple of different methods.

One method uses 2.5mm-3.5mm thick cardboard over which a coated paper is wrapped that contains the cover art design. The other is a clothbound, or case bound, cover in which a durable cloth is applied to the cardboard, and the cover art is applied directly to the cloth. Either of these versions can sport a dust jacket, which features the glossy cover art and interior flaps.

Who doesn’t love the look of a classy hardbound book? Here’s why:


  • Hardback books have a premium look and feel
  • Hardcovers are much more durable
  • With a dust jacket, hardcovers are like getting two covers in one
  • Books in hardcover command a higher margin
  • Collectors prefer the hardcover version of a book

On the other hand, there are some downsides to printing hardcover books:


  • Hardcovers are pricey, costing upwards of double the price of a paperback cover
  • Hardcover books are heavier and less easily carried around
  • Hardcover books have higher shipping costs

Should I Print a Hardcover or Paperback Book?

When approaching the point of your book project when big decisions about book design must be made, the question of hardcover vs. paperback is one of the biggies. Why? Because you must consider several factors, including cost differences, profitability, genre, and aesthetics before pulling the trigger. Some considerations include:

  • Genre. The genre of your book can dictate whether you select hardcover vs. paperback. For instance, cookbooks are best published as hardcover books so they will hold up well under the demands of the kitchen. Coffee table books are much more striking in hardcover form, and biographies are more commanding in their appeal when published in hardcover form. On the other hand, a romance novel is perfectly suited to paperback.
  • Book cover art. Your amazing book cover art may not have the same visual impact in paperback form. While a simply drawn illustrated book cover translates well to a paperback cover, it may seem oddly weak in hardcover form. As well, a dramatic cover design for a thriller is more captivating in hardcover form with a high gloss dust jacket than on the more muted paperback cover.
  • Costs. It’s easy for writers to get tangled up with the question of dollars and cents when it comes to calculating costs and royalties of a paperback book vs. hardcover. As a rule, a 250-page 6×9 paperback will cost about $4.00 to print. With a $14.95 retail list price, the royalty is about $5.00 per unit sold. A 250-page 6×9 hardbound book will have costs that range from $9-$13 based on whether there is a dust jacket and the type of binding used. The royalty paid for the hardcover based on those details could range from $4-$6.50 per unit sold.

Anguishing over the profit margin difference between a paperback and hardcover needn’t be such a harrowing step of the self-publishing process. Many authors solve this dilemma by offering their book in all three formats, paperback, hardcover, and eBook.

Not Sure If Paperback, Hardcover, or Even eBook is Best?

So, which option is better in the great paperback vs. hardcover debate?

Clearly, the decision about which cover to select for your amazing new book is not all that clear. This is where some valuable publishing expertise can be worth its weight in gold.

Partnering with Gatekeeper Press for your book project immediately takes the stress out of this important publishing endeavor.

We will help you make the best choice for not only your cover but for all the decisions that factor into creating a high-quality final product. Additionally, the team at Gatekeeper Press can help you self-publish hardcover or paperback with their expert publishing services, as well as eBook publishing services.

Visit Gatekeeper Press today for their full spectrum of publishing services and contact us to get started.

What are the pros and cons of paperback and hardcover?

Paperback vs. Hardcover: Best Option for Your Book?

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