Water Pressure Reducing Valves Frequently Asked ...

08 Jul.,2024


Water Pressure Reducing Valves Frequently Asked ...

1. What is a Water Pressure Reducing Valve?

Also called water pressure regulators, water pressure reducing valves are compact, inexpensive valves that perform two functions:

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  1. They automatically reduce the high incoming water pressure from the city mains to provide a lower, more functional pressure for distribution in the home.
  2. They "regulate" by maintaining a set pressure in the home usually 50 lbs. thereby insuring that the home piping and appliances operate under a safe, more moderate, but satisfactory pressure.

2. What is Water Pressure?

When a fixture in a home is opened and water flows from it, it is because the water is "pushed." This "push" is pressure. The speed at which water flows from the opened outlet depends on the amount of "push" or pressure which exists at that time in the system. In short, the higher the pressure, the stronger the "push" behind the water.

3. What is Wrong with High Water Pressure?

High water pressure, which is generally considered anything above 60 lbs., has some advantage, such as in firefighting systems. However, in the home plumbing system, it can be damaging because water can erode or wear away many materials. A big "push" in home plumbing can also cause leaking water heaters, banging water pipes, dripping faucets, dishwasher, and clothes washer noise and breakdown, or leaking water pipes. Water flowing at a rate in excess of that necessary to satisfy normal fixture or appliance demands becomes damaging, wasteful, and reduces the life expectancy of equipment in the system. But, probably most important to the average homeowner is that it can add to the cost of water, energy, and waste water bills.

4. Does High Water Pressure Cause "Water Hammer?"

Yes, and water hammer is very simply the noise generated by the shocks of high-speed water flowing in a pipe when a fixture is suddenly closed. The sudden stoppage causes a "bounce back" of the water and is called water hammer, causing banging pipes, noisy systems, and damage to appliances. It might be comparable to driving your car at slow speed into a wall where the effect is negligible. However, if you drove the car at a much higher speed, the impact would be greater and, consequently, so would the bounce back or shock. Another description of the water hammer effect of high water pressure can be easily demonstrated. First, walk around a sharp corner and then run around the same corner. We can equate walking around the corner to a lower, more functional, controlled water pressure. However, when you run around the corner, the momentum forces your body to swing in a wider, uncontrolled arc. This principle is based on the fact that moving objects, and this includes water, tend to move in a straight line. They resist changes in direction. Therefore, in a home where the piping has many changes in direction, water hammer shock can be limited by reducing the water pressure.

5. What is the difference in water flow from a fixture when the pressure is at 100 lbs. vs. a pressure of 50 lbs.?

Reducing the pressure from 100 lbs. to 50 lbs.will result in a savings of approximately 1/3 because 1/3 less water flows at this lower pressure. Remember, there is more "push" behind the water at 100 lbs. than at 50 lbs. and most of this water is wasted. Almost twice as much water flows at 150 lbs. than 50 lbs., most of which is wasted. Moderate savings would result if your supply pressure was 65 lbs. However, even at this lower pressure, savings with a water pressure reducing valves would be 20%.

6. Are there any studies to support this savings figure?

Yes. In the Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission conducted a test program in 2,400 dwelling units that has attracted widespread interest from more than 40 states and various foreign countries. One of the devices used in their conservation study was a water pressure reducing valves. It is interesting to note that their report concluded that in test locations using water pressure reducing valves, there was a water consumption reduction of 30% in October and November and 37% in December.

7. Where are Water Pressure Reducing Valves most commonly used?

Water pressure reducing valves are commonly installed at the meter in residential, commercial, and industrial buildings. This location is desirable because it then controls the water pressure flowing to all appliances and outlets within the building and provides an inexpensive means of supplying lower, more functional water pressure to outlets and appliances.

8. Why do we now call Water Pressure Reducing Valves "Primary Conservation Controls"?

Most people have considered water pressure reducing valves as pressure controls because, as described in the foregoing, they are used to protect appliances and piping from the effects of high water pressure. However, because of water and energy shortage in addition to cost problems, water pressure reducing valves have become increasingly more important because they automatically provide the advantage of conserving water and energy.

9. How do Water Pressure Reducing Valves save water?

As mentioned before, 1/3 less water flows 50 lbs. than at 100 lbs. Therefore, when you reduce the city main pressure to a more moderate pressure of 50 lbs., you can look forward to conserving up to 1/3, or more, of the water previously consumed and this will be reflected on your water bills.

10. How much does a typical family of four use?

A typical family of four uses an average of 255 gallons of water each day for interior plumbing. This is broken down by: dishwashing - 15 gallons; cooking/drinking - 12 gallons; utility sink - 5 gallons laundry - 35 gallons; bathing - 80 gallons; bathroom sink - 8 gallons; toilet - 100 gallons. When you multiply this by a year, typical family usage totals 93,000 gallons of water. If you have teenagers, you would undoubtedly use more than the above averages.

11. How do Water Pressure Reducing Valves affect the wastewater system?

When we can save 1/3 of the water previously consumed, this also represents a similar saving of water which will not be going into the sewer system where it has to be treated. Water does not evaporate after we use it and it has to be piped to the wastewater system. Many sewer bill taxes or surcharges are based on the amount of water you use, with the assumption that this water is going into the wastewater system. This is billed to you as a sewer surcharge and, in many cases, the sewer tax can equal the water cost. Therefore, when water pressure reducing valves save 1/3 of the metered water, they also contribute to saving up to 1/3 of the wastewater, which is extremely important because it benefits both the user, by a lower sewer bill, and the community, as this is water they do not have to treat.

12. How do Water Pressure Reducing Valves save on energy?

The Environmental Protection Agency estimate that 30% of the water used in households is heated and, in order to heat this water, it takes energy. If a water pressure reducing valve can reduce consumption by 1/3, we automatically cut down on the amount of hot water we're using in lavatories and showers and, therefore, we automatically reduce the amount of energy required to heat that load. Thus, it can be easily seen that water conservation has a direct relationship to energy conservation. An average shower, for example, costs approximately 17 cents in energy and a shave with the faucet running cost 10 cents in energy.

13. How do these savings benefit the water and energy utilities?

A high rise office building in Chicago was designed using water conservation products which resulted in savings of more than 3,000,000 gallons of water per year. This is significant in that the municipal water utility did not have to pump the extra gallons, the water purification plant didn't have to treat it, while the building itself saved on pumping of 3,000,000 gallons, resulting in significant savings in energy by conserving hot water. Also, there were further savings by the fact that 3,000,000 gallons of water, or the normal portion thereof, did not have to be distributed to the wastewater system and consequently the water treatment plant did not have to retreat this water. The heating of water takes energy and it should also be remembered that "pumping" water from one place to another also requires a considerable amount of energy.

14. How do Water Pressure Reducing Valves save on maintenance?

We have previously described the effects of high water pressure on piping and appliances. When having these appliances work under a lower pressure, their life expectancy will be much longer and will also cut down on service calls caused by problems with dish washers and clothes washers, leaky water heaters, leaking water pipes, and the potential water damage which could be resulting.

15. Do codes require Water Pressure Reducing Valves?

Yes. They are required by the Federal Housing Administration, the regional plumbing codes such as IPC and UPC, and numerous city and state codes. The requirement is that whenever the city main water pressure exceeds 80 lbs., a water pressure reducing valve must be installed. However, because of the recently acknowledged advantages of water pressure reducing valves conservation wise, they could be economically installed even where supply pressures are in the vicinity of 60 lbs. because of the water and energy saving benefits they can provide.

16. How long will a Water Pressure Reducing Valve last?

Water Pressure Reducing Valves have been described as "life-of-mortgage" products, because historically a malfunctioning water pressure reducing valve is not replaced but simply cleaned or repaired via an inexpensive service kit. Design-wise, it is similar to the kitchen faucet in that dirt or foreign matter on the seating area can cause problems and actually it is no more difficult to repair a water pressure reducing valve than it is to fix the kitchen faucet.

17. If I install a Water Pressure Reducing Valve, what savings can I expect?

An average savings would be from $50 to $150 per year, probably much higher. Based on the fact that 1/3 less water flows at 50 lbs. than 100 lbs., you can expect to save up to 1/3 of the water previously consumed. As a typical family of four uses 90,000 gallons per year, that would mean a savings of approximately 30,000 gallons of water. The higher the pressure, the higher the savings. Lower pressures result in less savings. (Your water Company can provide the rate.) Remember also, however, that 1/3 of the water used in homes is heated; so 1/3 of the 30,000 gallons of water saved divided by 2 to reflect a cold water mixing factor would mean a savings in heating up to 5,000 gallons of hot water per year. If you figure 4 cents to heat a gallon of water, the savings would be $200.00. You can also figure on a savings in your sewer surcharge bill, since most of the 30,000 gallons of water saved will not be going into the wastewater system, therefore, you will not be assessed on that. (Contact your local authority for any assessment charges.) You would also have to figure the savings, generated by not having to have appliances repaired or replaced more frequently. This is a nebulous figure but, based on your own experience over the past years, you could look for a reduction in the frequency of maintenance and certainly for an improved performance by these appliances.

18. Should we consider using other water and energy conservation devices?

Certainly. The water pressure reducing valve is the hub of a conservation program; but you should also consider flow control devices, low-flush toilets, improved water heating equipment, and better disciplined habits by the user. However, if none of these devices were installed, the water pressure reducing valve would still serve to contribute important and significant savings in energy and water, resulting in average savings of anywhere from $50 to $150 per year, or more depending on your local rates.

19. Do flow-restricting devices actually save water?

Yes, and they can effectively be installed on showerheads, fixtures, and tankless heater boilers. Many showerheads, for example, apply water at a rate of 6gpm. Applying a 3gpm flow restrictor will cut the flow in half providing savings in water and energy. It should be remembered however that their capacity is based on a "fixed" supply pressure like 50 lbs. and operating under a higher pressure will permit greater flow. That's why we say a water pressure reducing valve is the "hub" of a program because it maintains a constant pressure throughout the home, thereby improving the performance of flow-restricting devices.

20. What are some tips the user can employ to save water and energy?

  1. Put a stopper in your sink or use a dishpan when you wash dishes.
  2. Washing with running water uses 30 gallons per meal.
  3. Keep a bottle of drinking water in the refrigerator running the water from the faucet until cold will waste a gallon.
  4. Wait until you have a full nine-pound wash before you run your washing machine. The average machine uses 50 gallons per load.
  5. Turn the hot water off while you shave, and turn the cold water off while you brush your teeth. Shaving with a running faucet uses about 20 gallons.
  6. Take showers instead of baths. The usual bath requires 36 gallons, the usual shower, only 25. Ten gallons is enough for a shower if you turn it off while you lather.
  7. Don't use the toilet bowl to dispose of cigarette ashes, facial tissues, and other materials. A normal flush requires 8 gallons.
  8. Use dishwasher only when completely full.
  9. Fix dripping faucets promptly. Nearly two gallons can be wasted per day of dripping.
  10. Running toilets can waste four gallons per hour. Keep them in good repair.
  11. THINK before you turn on the tap.

21. What does a Water Pressure Reducing Valve cost?

There are, of course, different styles of water pressure reducing valves and various installation charges throughout the country. An estimate can be obtained from your local qualified plumbing contractor. To determine how much you, as an individual, would be saving, it would be necessary to consider the factors in question 17, in comparing with your current water and energy bills.

22. How do I know if I have high water pressure?

A rule of thumb is: If you hear banging pipes in your home or observe water splashing in your sink, you probably have excessive pressure. However, for a precise reading, your local plumbing contractor or utility can test your pressure with a gauge.

23. How can I get a Water Pressure Reducing Valve installed?

The easiest way would be to call your local qualified plumbing contractor who can provide you with an estimate and also advise of the various types of water pressure reducing valves available and the one best suited for your home. Although water pressure reducing valves are fairly simple to install and could be a do-it-yourself project, there are some laws which mandate that only a licensed plumbing contractor be permitted to work on the home potable drinking water system for health and safety purposes.

The Misunderstood Check Valve

Check valves may be the most misunderstood valves ever invented. If you mention check valves to most plant personnel, the typical response is &#;they don&#;t work.&#; In fact, those personnel may well have taken out the internals or repiped the system to avoid utilizing check valves. In other words, these valves may be the least popular valve in use today.

This article will explore the basics of check valves, how they work, what types there are, how to select and install them, how to solve their problems, and why they are not always the cause of the problem.

Simply put, a check valve allows flow in one direction and automatically prevents back flow (reverse flow) when fluid in the line reverses direction. They are one of the few self-automated valves that do not require assistance to open and close. While some can be fitted with externally weighted and dampened devices for special circumstances, the majority do not have any outside assistance as found with on/off control or other valves. Unlike other valves, they continue to work even if the plant facility loses air, electricity or hydraulic pressure, or the human being that might manually cycle them.

As with other types of valves, check valves are found in a full range of sizes, materials, and end connections. The line sizes range from 1/8 inch or smaller to 50 inches and larger. They are made of bronze, cast iron, plastics, carbon steel, various grades of stainless steel and alloys such as Hastelloy, Inconel, Monel and titanium. End connections include threaded, socket weld, butt weld, flanged, grooved, wafer and insert type.

Check valves are found everywhere including in the home. If you have a sump pump in the basement, a check valve is probably in the discharge line of the pump. Outside the home, they are found in industries such as desalination, water and waste, chemical, food and beverage, geothermal, mining, oil and gas, power, pulp and paper, refining and more.

The Misunderstood Check Valve

Like other valves, check valves are used with a variety of media: liquids, air, other gases, steam, condensate, and in some cases liquids with particulate or slurries. Applications include pump and compressor discharge, header lines, vacuum breakers, non-code pressure relief, steam lines, condensate lines, chemical feed pumps, cooling towers, loading racks, nitrogen purge lines, boilers, HVAC systems, utilities, pressure pumps, sump pumps, wash-down stations and injection lines.

How They Operate

Check valves are flow sensitive and rely on the line pressure and flow to open and close. The internal disc allows flow to pass forward, which opens the valve. The disc begins closing the valve as forward flow decreases or is reversed, depending on the design. The function or purpose of a check valve is to prevent reverse flow. Construction is normally simple with only a few components such as the body, seat, disc and cover. Depending on the design, there may be other items such as a stem, hinge pin, disc arm, spring, ball, elastomers and bearings.

Internal sealing of the check valve disc and seat relies on &#;reverse&#; line pressure as opposed to the mechanical force used for on/off control valves. Because of this, allowable seat leakage rates are greater for check valves than with on/off control valves. MSS SP-61 &#;Pressure Testing of Steel Valves,&#; published by the Manufacturers Standardization Society, is one standard used by manufacturers to perform seat and shell closure tests for check valves (as well as other valves). Factors affecting check valve seat leakage include reverse pressure, media, and what the seat material is made of (such as metal or an elastomer). Metal and PTFE seating surfaces generally will allow some leakage while elastomers such as Buna-N and Viton provide bubble-tight shutoff (zero leakage).

Because of this, elastomers should be considered for air/gas media and low-pressure sealing. Important considerations when using elastomers for such valves are service temperature and compatibility of the elastomer with the media.

What is the ideal check valve?

Regardless of type or style of valve, the longest trouble-free service will come from valves sized for the application, not necessarily the line size. Ideally, the disc is stable against the internal stop in the open position when flowing or fully closed when no flow or checking. When these conditions are met, no chattering of the disc will occur, thereby preventing premature valve failure. Unfortunately, most check valves are selected in the same way on/off control valves are selected, by line size and the desire for the largest Cv available. This ignores the fact that unlike on/off control valves that have actuation (manual, pneumatic, hydraulic or electronic), only the flow conditions determine the internal performance of the check valve.

Check valve internals are flow sensitive, unlike on/off control valves. If there is not enough flow and pressure to fully open the check valve, trim chatter occurs inside the valve. This results in premature wear, potential for failure and a higher pressure drop than calculated.

Whenever a metal part rubs against another metal part, wear is a result. That leads to eventual failure of the component itself. A component failure can result in the valve not performing its function, which in the case of a check valve is to prevent reverse flow. In extreme cases failure could result in the component(s) escaping into the line, causing failure or nonperformance of other valves or equipment in the line.

Typically, pressure drop is calculated based on the check valve being 100% open as with on/off control valves. However, if the flow is not sufficient to achieve full open and the check valve is only partially open, the pressure drop will be higher than what&#;s calculated. This is due to the effective Cv of the valve being less than maximum when the check valve is partially open. In this situation, a large rated Cv actually becomes detrimental to the check valve (unlike with on/off control valves). This results in chattering of the disc and eventual failure. Such is not the case with some other valves. For example, with a gate valve that is fully open, the wedge is out of the flow path. Therefore, the flow through the valve does not affect the performance of the wedge whether that flow is low, medium or high.

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Various types of check valves are available. Some of the more popular types are included below. All these can be used for clean media. As with other types of valves, specialty check valves can be found for unique applications. While no one type of valve is good for all applications, each has its advantages.

Taking time to contact the manufacturer to assist in selection can help you find the best fit. This is especially true if you are having problems with whatever type of check valve is presently installed.

Swing Check

Illustration of a typical swing check valve.
Photo Credit: All photos courtesy Check-All Valve.

Swing checks are a simple design using a disc attached to an arm that is hinged at the top of the valve (at the 12 o&#;clock position). Reverse flow and gravity assist the valve in closing. Swing checks can be used for most media and generally provide good flow capacity. They should only be installed in a horizontal flow position. This is because they will not operate properly in the vertical flow positions. They also don&#;t tend to seal well in low backpressure applications.  These check valves range in size from ½ inch and smaller to 50 inches and larger, and are available with threaded, socket weld, flanged or butt weld end connections. Swing checks are typically easy to inspect and maintain. In most cases, repairs can be performed with the valve in the line. Because of their design, swing checks are not fast-closing valves due to the travel distance from full open to close. This means they are highly susceptible to water hammer issues. Most swing check valves meet ANSI B16.10 face-to-face dimensions and will permit pigging of the line. There is a variation of the swing check called the tilting disc check. However, that version does not permit line pigging.


Piston/Poppet Check

Piston or poppet style check valves are available as inline, inclined (Y-pattern), or conventional (90 degree T-pattern) body designs. All types are considered a silent check valve style that prevent water hammer and reverse flow.  It does this by using a spring-assisted disc in line with the flow that has a short travel distance, resulting in a fast-closing valve. As forward velocity begins to slow, the spring assist starts to close the disc. By the time the forward velocity reaches zero, the valve disc is closed against the seat before reverse flow can occur, preventing pressure surges in the line and thus preventing water hammer. Most designs can be installed in any position, including flow down if the proper spring is installed. Piston/poppet check valves are available from 1/4 inch to 24 inches and larger. The body design selected will determine the pressure drop; inline designs will provide the best flow performance. Piston/poppet check valves are available with multiple different end connections including threaded, flanged, weldable, etc. Special end connections are available, but you would need to consult with the check valve manufacturer. Some of these check valves can be inspected and repaired in line. Ideally, this style of check valve should only be used for clean media service with no particulate.

Illustration of inclined, y-pattern poppet style check valve.


Flange Insert Check

Flange insert check valves are an extremely compact, wafer-style check valve for flanged piping. They are commonly used in-line and vary from ½ inch to 20 inches in size. This style is also considered a type of silent check that help prevent water hammer. Accordingly, they will have an internal spring that assists with closing of the valve. The flange insert check and its compact design allow it to be added to an existing system with minimum piping alteration required.

Flange insert check valve with compact wafer design.

Center Guided Check

Center guided check valves are another type of silent check valve. They are also designed to prevent water hammer as well as reverse flow. This style is similar to the piston/poppet. It also falls under MSS SP125 & 126 for specifications. They are available in flanged styles with sizes from 2  to 24 inches and sometimes larger. Similarly, this style is best suited for clean media with no particulate.



Ball Checks

Ball check valves use a ball inside the body to control the movement of flow. This style is also considered a type of silent check. The ball is free to rotate, resulting in even wear and a wiping action between the ball and seat.

Ball-style check valve, or silent check, is useful fo viscous media applications.

This feature makes ball checks useful for viscous media. Ball checks are typically found in smaller sizes of 2 inches and less. Some designs include a spring to assist in closing and for use in 90-degree styles installed in vertical lines. Depending on the body design, pressure drops with ball types can be higher than with other types of check valves. Ball checks are available in various end connections including threaded and socket weld. Some body designs permit in-line repair/inspection.  


Among the many factors to consider when selecting a check valve are material compatibility with the medium, valve pressure rating (ANSI), line size, application data (flow, design/operating conditions), installation (horizontal, flow up, or flow down), end connection, envelope dimensions (especially if replacing an existing valve to avoid pipe modifications), leakage requirements, and special requirements such as oxygen cleaning, NACE, CE Mark, etc.

There are many different check valve designs, with the oldest and most common being the swing check.

Problem Solving

When replacing a check valve, it helps to ask the following simple questions:

  • Why am I replacing this valve?
  • What was the problem?

Sometimes we get so busy or absorbed in other things, we forget the cause can help with the solution.

Common check valve problems include noise (water hammer), vibration/chattering, reverse flow, sticking, leakage, missing internals, component wear or damage. However, it is worth mentioning that normally the real cause is the wrong size, spring, and/or style for the check valve application. In such cases, the problem is the application, not the check valve.

Two of the most common problems with check valves are incorrect sizing or incorrect installation. Incorrect sizing comes in one of two forms. If the valve Cv is too small for the application, you would see a very high pressure drop which could lead to premature valve wear because of the high velocities involved. More commonly, if the valve Cv is too large for the application, there will not be enough pressure drop created across the check valve to fully open it. Any check valve that is not fully open has a high probability of chatter which will lead to premature valve failure. Incorrect installation involves not having the proper amount of straight pipe upstream of the check valve. Ideally a minimum of 10 pipe diameters of straight pipe upstream of the check valve is desired. This is to ensure a nice laminar flow going through the check valve. Shorter distances can cause flow turbulence and spin that can prematurely wear any style of check valve.

Examples of some other problems for check valves include reverse flow and water hammer. In both situations, a fast-closing valve is desired. Reverse flow can be costly, especially if it occurs at the discharge of a pump and the pump spins backwards. The cost to repair or replace the pump, plus the plant downtime, far exceeds the cost of installing the right check valve in the first place. With water hammer, you need a faster-closing check valve to prevent pressure surges and resulting shock waves that occur when the disc slams into the seat, sending noise, vibration and hammering sounds that can rupture pipes and damage equipment and pipe supports.

If the internals are missing or exhibiting excessive wear, two factors may be occurring. First, if the check valve selected does not have enough flow passing through to keep it against its stop, a valve with a lower Cv is needed to prevent the chatter of the internals. Second, if the check valve is used at the discharge of a reciprocating air or gas compressor, a specialty valve with a damped design or dashpot to handle high-frequency cycling is needed. Sticking can occur when scale or dirt is trapped between the disc and body bore. Leakage can happen from damage to the seat or disc or simple trash in the line. An elastomer is needed to provide zero leakage.


When installing check valves, point the flow arrow in the direction of the flow to allow the valve to perform its intended function. The flow arrow can be found on the body or tag. Make sure the valve type will work in the installed position. For example, not all check valves will work in a vertical line with flow down, nor will conventional or 90-degree T-pattern piston check valves perform in a vertical line without a spring to push the disc back into the flow path. The disc in some check valves extends into the pipeline when the valves are fully open. This could interfere with the performance of another valve bolted directly to the check valve. As we discussed earlier if possible, install the check valve a minimum of 10 pipe diameters downstream of any fitting or other piping system component that could cause turbulence. Notice, I said &#;if it&#;s possible.&#; After all, how many check valves have you seen bolted to the discharge of a pump? Many! A good source of reference for installing check and other styles of valves is MSS SP-92 &#;Valve Users Guide,&#; published by the Manufacturers Standardization Society.

How Are Check Valves Like Doors?

Lastly, I like to compare check valves to doors &#; whether that door is to your office or home. Typically, you open your office door at the start of the day and close it at the end, which is similar to what happens when a pump is cycled on and off. However, if someone stands at your door and constantly cycles it open and closed, what could happen? In most cases, the hinge pins would fail, since they are the weak link in the operation of your door.

Check valves face a similar situation. Pins, stems, springs or other components that are constantly cycled can fail. That is why it is important to properly select check valves for their specific applications. Line size does not necessarily equal check valve size. A check valve with a high Cv in a low flow application is doomed from the start. It is not the check valve&#;s fault, it is the fault of the wrong selection for the application. The selected check valve would have worked fine in proper flow conditions. Unfortunately, the installed check valve is blamed for the failure, when in reality the culprit was the application. It is always best to review the application and service conditions with the manufacturer before purchasing a check valve to make sure the correct style and options are selected.

NOAH MILLER is the worldwide applications/engineered sales manager for Check-All Valve Manufacturing Company. With the company since , he&#;s been assisting customers with proper check valve installation, check valve sizing, troubleshooting, and custom check valve designs. He regularly works with customers in the industries of oil and gas, steam, pharmaceutical, food and beverage, etc. He&#;s considered the expert on check valve capabilities and is relied upon by engineers, field personnel, and purchasers to assist them with their check valve needs.

is the worldwide applications/engineered sales manager for Check-All Valve Manufacturing Company. With the company since , he&#;s been assisting customers with proper check valve installation, check valve sizing, troubleshooting, and custom check valve designs. He regularly works with customers in the industries of oil and gas, steam, pharmaceutical, food and beverage, etc. He&#;s considered the expert on check valve capabilities and is relied upon by engineers, field personnel, and purchasers to assist them with their check valve needs.

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