Top Prototype Testing Questions to Ask

07 Oct.,2024


Top Prototype Testing Questions to Ask

You already know that fast human insight is key to building a great customer experience. Whether you&#;re creating a website, mobile app, landing page, or other product, testing can happen at any stage of the design cycle. Despite this, many companies still begin the process of gathering customer insight much later than they should. No matter what you&#;re creating, prototype testing can&#;and should&#;happen early and often in your development cycle.

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When it comes to prototyping you can test anything. Have an idea on a cocktail napkin? Test it. Not sure about product-market fit? Try it out on your target audience first. If ever there should be a cardinal rule to creating great experiences, it would be to test first, design and build after (then test again).

If you think it sounds odd to test something before it&#;s fully baked, you&#;re not alone. Many companies wait until their offering is fully developed before they test it, and suffer the consequences of rework, or worse, building something their customers don&#;t want.

Prototype testing enables you to assure that your design is going in the right direction and that you address any essential features or flaws before you write even one line of code. Redesigning a prototype is a lot easier&#;and less expensive&#;than reworking a finished product. You&#;ll save your budget and your sanity by testing right from the start.

No matter what stage you&#;re in, there are ways to create a prototype you can test. You can start with just a sketch on a post-it, or use one of the many prototyping tools available to bring your idea to life. Once you have your prototype ready, make sure you&#;re asking yourself these questions as you begin&#;and continue to&#;test.

What is a prototype?

The best way to think about prototypes is that they&#;re a representation of a finished product. Prototypes are a way for designers and developers to test the flow, interaction, content, and general feasibility and usability of a product before building and designing a fully-functioning product.

Or, for a more formal definition, here&#;s the Nielsen Norman Group&#;s perspective,

A user interface prototype is a hypothesis&#;a candidate design solution that you consider for a specific design problem. The most straightforward way to test this hypothesis is to watch users work with it.

What a prototype isn&#;t

Despite how much functionality or design a prototype may have, it&#;s not meant to be the final product. Some features won&#;t work, and the design and copy likely won&#;t be finalized. Prototypes are not intended to be pixel-perfect.

User testing questions for prototyping

Concept validation


At this stage, you might have just an idea or the proverbial sketch on a cocktail napkin. When you&#;re in the very early days of your idea&#;s life, it&#;s totally OK to map out the idea with &#;low-tech&#; tools, like pen and paper. Not having a fancy interface doesn&#;t mean you can&#;t ask detailed questions, however. Here&#;s what you need to know during the early stages as you validate your concept:

  1. What problem does your idea solve?
  2. How are users solving this problem currently?
  3. Can your target market think of another product that does something similar?
  4. How have previous solutions failed?
  5. Do users understand what this product or service does?
  6. How do users feel about the product or service?
  7. Who is your competition?
  8. What is the app/site for and what can users do there?
  9. Does your target market have a need for this product?
  10. What devices do users imagine themselves using when they interact with this product?
  11. What scenarios can they picture themselves using it in?

If you need more inspiration to get started, check out our concept validation template below. Try our concept validation template

Wireframes and lo-fi prototypes


When you&#;re ready to move beyond the cocktail napkin, it&#;s time to start wireframing&#;this is when your ideas start taking their first steps. While these are not interactive or functional, they still illustrate the intention and flow, which is an essential process in the design phase.

Be sure you&#;re asking these questions to keep your project moving in the right direction:

  1. Before users even look at the wireframe or prototype, what would they expect to be able to do with it?
  2. How would they expect it to look?
  3. Once you show them the prototype, do users understand what it does?
  4. How does it measure up to their expectations?
  5. What features are missing?
  6. Does anything seem out of place or unnecessary?
  7. How do users feel when using the prototype?
  8. If users had a magic wand, what would they change about the product?
  9. How likely or unlikely would they be to use this product once it&#;s finished?

If you need more inspiration to get started, check out our prototype evaluation template below. 

Try our prototype evaluation template

Hi-fi prototypes

&#;Once you&#;ve worked through the kinks with the concept and design and iterated until you&#;re close, the hi-fi prototype is born. This will be a semi-functional facsimile of the intended result. It should be interactive and do pretty much everything it&#;s supposed to; it just won&#;t have the shiny new-product feel to it.

Focus on these questions to make sure you&#;re addressing any lingering concept, flow, or basic usability issues:

  1. Does the prototype do what it&#;s supposed to?
  2. Do users think the product&#;s design matches its purpose?
  3. What&#;s the first thing users would want to do on this product? Can they do that?
  4. When they explore the product, do they become confused at any point?
  5. Does anything distract them or get in their way?
  6. Are there any features they completely ignore?
  7. Does the information architecture and navigation make sense? (Can users find what they&#;re looking for?)
  8. Does your target market feel like this product was designed for them?
  9. What, if anything, would make your users want to use this product frequently?
  10. How likely or unlikely would they be to recommend the finished product to a friend?
  11. How would they describe this product using their own words?

At this point, your cocktail napkin has grown up into a respectable, functional member of the community. While your testing days aren&#;t over, you&#;ve taken the important first steps that will save you time, money, and sanity by evaluating your idea from the start.

If you need help getting started testing hi-fi prototypes, check out our prototype evaluation template.

A note on user testing prototypes

User testing a prototype is a bit different than testing a finished product. Make sure you inform test participants before the test&#;or even better, in the screening process&#;that they&#;ll be testing a prototype that&#;s not fully functional.

It&#;s also a good idea to run moderated tests if you can. While you can conduct unmoderated tests with prototypes, chances are your participants will have questions, and some tasks will require more explanation and guidance, so having a moderator present will help you get the best feedback.

Additionally, remember that testing shouldn&#;t stop once your product ships. Your test plan should not only confirm that your insights from prototyping worked out the way you expected, but also watch for additional opportunities to optimize and improve the user experience that you couldn&#;t test during prototyping.

Prototype Testing Questions for Usability User Test and ...

Prototype Testing Process

What is Prototype Testing, and How Does it Help?

Prototype testing includes a design mockup or a specific feature shared with the target audience to gather feedback. We extract this feedback, and you should want to know two things;

  • What Works
  • What Doesn&#;t Work

Once you know the answer, the design and development process forward is streamlined. 

It essentially validates the designs, features, and functions before full-scale development. With prototype testing questions, we can identify problems early on to ensure that the final product can satisfy the users.

Effective way to test your Prototypes

But, How Does Usability Testing Help?

Prototype testing includes creating preliminary versions or models of the product to evaluate the designs, user experience, and functionality. The way you present these models for user feedback depends. 

  • Early Issue Detection: Testing prototypes with real users means you can identify usability issues early on. From design flaws to potential areas of improvement, fixing them is easier at the prototyping stage. 
  • Design Validation: Validate assumptions, design ideas, wireframes, etc., during the design phase. This will help you understand how end-users interact with your product while you gather feedback on their needs and expectations. 
  • User-Centric Development: Knowing what your users like and dislike is like a treasure trove for designers and developers. As you gain these valuable insights regarding their needs and pain points, testing lets you solve your users' actual usability problems. 
  • Product Success: I have been involved in several product development journeys. Speaking from experience, products that have undergone prototype testing are more successful than the others. 

Types of Prototype Testing

At Qwary, we have been conducting prototype testing in two different categories;

  • By Prototype Fidelity: 
    1. Low-fidelity prototypes are the basic or raw version of the final product and have a minimal aesthetic appeal. 
    2. High-fidelity prototypes, on the other hand, are more detailed and are interactive models that closely resemble the final product.

Going ahead with the development process with an unmoderated prototype can build products that may or may not be able to satisfy the users.

  • By Testing Method: 
    1. Usability testing is a common method observing the users as they are trying to complete the tasks with the purpose to identify usability issues. 
    2. In A/B testing we show two different prototypes to the end users to record their responses. We have extensively used this method to compare design options. 
    3. There&#;s another type of testing process, Breadboard testing, but it&#;s used for feasibility data analysis of physical products. 

Pre-Testing Preparation to Understand the Users

Prototype testing preparation shouldn&#;t be hard if you know the right procedure. At Qwary, I have seen firsthand the power of defining a target user profile as an essential testing tool. 

I have done both;

  • Conducted product development tests with a broad range of users.
  • Narrowed down the target audience and recruitment according to a detailed user persona. 

A broad user persona development made me realize the mistake, and it trickled down to every aspect of testing. From writing questions that were irrelevant to finalizing testing features, which led to ambiguous answers, we had no clarity. 

Sample User Persona

But the next time we did our preparation, everything was sorted and validated by the team. We recruited the right people for the testing session. This was a big learning moment, and the difference in the results was able to ignite a fire in the team, leading to customer-centric product development. Pre-testing tasks to cover include;

  • User Recruitment and User Research

Define the ideal user profile and recruit the people who can best fit into the shoes of your target audience. This will ensure that you receive relevant feedback that actually reflects their needs. 

Feedback from an audience who dislikes exercising about a fitness app won&#;t be fruitful. 

  • Focus on User Goals

Well-defined user persona gives clarity on their specific goals, relevant to what you are trying to achieve. Using this information, you can design the testing scenarios to directly address the target audience&#;s goals and pain. 

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  • Tailored UX Research Test Tasks

When building a user persona profile, knowing your user&#;s background can help create personalized testing tasks. 

Don't ask questions that can&#;t be answered.

This means that you need to differentiate the questions relevant to beginners and experienced users. 

Here are three crucial questions to ask when preparing for Testing a Prototype:

  1. What are the demographics and psychographics of your ideal user?

Demographics information gives you the users;

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Location
  • Income
  • Occupation
  • Education, etc. 

Psychographic information reveals;

  • Values
  • Interests
  • Attitude
  • Lifestyle preferences, etc. 

When prototyping for a language learning mobile app, your ideal demographics can include young adults aged between 18 and 35 with disposable income. The psychographics for them include an interest in travel, understanding global cultures, and a need for self-improvement. 

  1. What are their pain points and goals relevant to your prototype?

Find out the specific problems of your target audience and what they hope to achieve from using your product. Using prototype product testing, find out their;

  • Pain points, including challenges, frustrations, and unmet needs. 
  • Goals are to ascertain what they wish to accomplish or the outcomes they seek. 

For the same language learning application above, a user&#;s pain points can include a lack of engaging learning methods, and goals might include achieving conversational fluency in a foreign language. 

  1. What is their current experience with similar products or solutions?

Know your target audience&#;s existing experiences with similar products. Make sure to include their likes and dislikes about the product and its features. 

Include a section in the prototype testing survey about the user&#;s existing experiences through specific questions and how they find the products they are using right now. 

Answers to these questions will give you a better understanding of your end users. This is going to help you in recruiting the right people, source authentic information, and streamline the development process. 

Crafting the Best Prototype User Test

Ah! my favorite part of the testing session. Building an effective prototype is mandatory to hold a successful session. A crucial part of this exercise is setting the right prototype testing questions. Here&#;s what I have learned in this so far&#;

  1. Creating Effective Prototype User Testing Questions

Your prototyping questions will depend on the test scenarios and what sort of data you want to obtain. Questions to extract qualitative data will be different from those to extract quantitative data. Different tasks and scenarios are executed with a unique narrative, which is brief but can give your testers the right context. Here&#;s a good method to build scenarios;

  • Focus on User Goals: Don&#;t make the mistake I did &#;of focusing on product functionalities and features.&#; Instead, focus on user goals with preferential treatment to usability. 
  • Tasks that Resemble Real Life: For testing and other purposes, ensure that you are setting the right tone. For instance, testing your prototype for a flight booking experience should explain a better scenario and give it a personal touch. 
  • Don&#;t Explain Your Product: In prototype testing, you must let users take suo moto action on using your product, without you motivating them. 
  1. Sample Questions to Ask in Prototype Testing

Let me give you a few sample questions to help you set you on the right path. Make sure to customize them according to your product and testing goals. 

  • Design/Idea/Concept Validation
    • What do you think this app will be used for?
    • Have you ever used any app that resembles this one? 
    • What aspects of the prototype did you find helpful? 
    • Were any parts of the prototype unclear or challenging to use?
    • What&#;s the initial impression of the design and layout?

  • Task-Specific Questions (By Use-Case)
    • On a scale of 1 to 5, how easy was it to (book a flight) to complete a task?
    • Did you find sending money through the app safe?
    • Were there any moments in the prototype where you were confused or unsure about the next step?

  • Usability Analysis
    • If you had the power to change one thing about the app or its design, what would it be?
    • How would you rate your overall experience?
    • Did you find everything you expected from the prototype?
    • Did you feel that something in the design or prototype was out of place?
    • Did it take more or less time than expected to complete the given task?

&#; When writing questions, ensure to;

  • Ask task-specific questions.
  • Include open-ended and closed-ended questions.
  • Don&#;t ask misleading questions.
  • Use neutral working that prevents biased user responses.

Benefits of Asking Right Prototype Testing QuestionsLet me say it again that I have seen the transformative power of a well-executed prototype testing exercise. In this, the questions we decide play a pivotal role in getting the feedback we need and unlock a goldmine of insights. 

  1. Fail Fast

I think it&#;s better to fail fast rather than iterating through different scenarios and ideas only to waste your resources, time, and effort in building something your users don&#;t even like. Effective prototype testing lets you test a product or service by asking specific questions and making user-centric decisions before launching the product. 

  1.  Improve Your User Experience

When your users cannot directly share their frustrations and unspoken needs, asking the right questions at the right time will reveal valuable insights. However, the trick here is to play with words to extract a favorable response. 

For instance, a simple question like &#;How was it?&#; might not get a favorable response. But if you ask it like this: &#;What surprised you most about using this platform?&#; You can extract specific information from your users, which becomes your opportunity for innovation. 

  1. Assumption Validation

Prototype testing is done to validate assumptions on one or more aspects. Whether you want to check how end users will interact with your creation or want to check whether a particular design element is comfortable for your users, you can test all the assumptions with the target audience. 

When asking questions make sure you&#;re addressing the users interested in sharing their insights. This will help you understand the user&#;s thought process and expose unexpected complexities. 

  1. Get Out of the Tech Debt Trap

Prototyping is one of the ways designers and developers use to get out of tech debt. This means instead of spending time and money on fixing errors, prototyping gives them the opportunity to know all the issues about basic usability to completing a complex function, before coding. At a time when developers spend around 35% - 50% of their time in validating and debugging, prototyping is important to let you know the issues beforehand. 

  1. Set the Right Priorities

The test results will provide a wide range of information, including potential improvements, opportunities, etc. But with the right questions, you can effectively prioritize them. Asking the users to rank the product features and functionalities on the basis of importance will automatically set the priority order.

&#;When Companies Were Successful in Building a Great Product with Testing Prototypes

Nielsen Norman redesigned their homepage with prototype testing, which led to iterative design. The company created low-fidelity and high-fidelity prototypes for user testing on each version. 

&#;How did it help? 

&#;Usability testing helped the NN group achieve its goals of building credibility with its audience. The designers were able to create an aesthetically appealing interface while ensuring access to the primary offerings. The prototype testing questions revealed that the users preferred a list of relevant articles over the grid format. 

Airbnb asked questions from their audience regarding their booking experience. The prototype testing results demonstrated how the long booking process was confusing, leading to a high drop-off rate after the fifth screen. These insights facilitated a change in the strategy and thought process that led to a user-friendly and transparent booking process. 

&#;Test Your Prototypes with Qwary

&#;Questions are the key to unlocking valuable insights in prototype testing. Set the right questions for prototype user testing to discover hidden needs, validate assumptions, and prioritize improvements. Following the insights, you can build a user-centric product while incorporating the design changes, features, and functionalities to deliver a memorable user experience. While prototype testing is recommended, the execution exercise is time-consuming and complex. 

Qwary allows you to take advantage of a specially designed system for prototype testing. We have intuitive testing tools for recruitment, crafting questions, and analyzing results. You can use our tool to set prototype testing questions and get rich user feedback, transforming the prototypes into products and solutions that users will love. Sign up for a free demo today to learn more about how Qwary can help you conduct effective tests. 


  1. What are other ways to test a prototype than conducting a survey?

Instead of a survey, you can go for usability testing A/B testing, conduct interviews, discuss among focus groups, and run cognitive product walkthroughs. Each method has a unique way of execution and extracts insights for better product development. 

  1. What are the four types of prototype testing models?

Four types of prototype testing models include;

  • Rapid throwaway
  • Evolutionary
  • Incremental
  • Extreme 
  1. What follows prototype testing?

After testing, we gather user feedback and make the required changes or improvements to the design, feature, functionality, etc. The updated information is shared with the development team so they can build the final product. 

  1. How can Qwary help me with prototype testing?

Qwary offers a host of friendly tools for prototype testing. You can recruit testers who match your ideal user persona. The effortless integration with Figma and InVision means you can import your designs. Plus, there&#;s a 50+ repository of prototype testing questions templates that are designed according to the purpose. 

  1. How many questions should I ask in the Prototype testing survey?

The ideal number of prototype testing questions can vary according to the type of prototype. After completing several prototype tests, I would recommend adding 5 to 10 questions. This will keep the test short, encouraging the users to participate without hesitation. 

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