Do people still print business cards?

22 Apr.,2024


Back before the days of LinkedIn and smartphones, business cards were the only way to exchange information at a networking event. Aside from its practical purpose, the business card has also provided a way to show off your style — from the font and color scheme to the paper stock.

While business cards can still serve these functions, there are now countless digital alternatives to keeping track of contacts and displaying your brand. Many wonder if the old-fashioned physical card is retro, still relevant, or simply a waste of paper.

We asked members of the Forbes Agency Council about the role of business cards in the modern world. Here's what they had to say.

Images courtesy of FAC members.

1. Business Cards Can Be Replaced By Instant Information Exchange Via Mobile Phone

I have not handed out a business card in over two years. Why? If I want a contact's information to sell our services, I will ask for their email and immediately send them a message. Now I have their information and they have mine. It also creates a reminder when they get back to the office in their inbox. Business cards can often be tossed, dropped, lost or just not referenced again.   - Peter Boyd, PaperStreet Web Design 

2. If You Have The Name And Company, You Can Find Them On LinkedIn

I haven’t owned a business card in five years. I'm still shaking hands and meeting people, but all it takes is a few clicks to find an executive on LinkedIn and add them to your network. Gone are the days of searching for someone’s business card you met at a conference six months ago. All you need is a name, company and LinkedIn to revisit a connection. LinkedIn is your digital Rolodex of business cards.   - David Shadpour, Social Native 

3. Interactive Video Cards Can Provide Richer Information

Film a short, 10-second video clip about your company and your key differentiators, and include interactive buttons to click through and download your contact info. If you both have iPhones, you can just beam the video over, or download the video file into a little portable memory stick. They come in all shapes and sizes these days, and can even look like an old-fashioned business card.   - Jaymie Scotto Cutaia, Jaymie Scotto & Associates 

4. Cards Should Only Be Given Out When It Makes Sense

I appreciate business cards in situations they make sense, but most of the time they go in the trash. I hate being given a business card because of a formality. It is one more thing to clutter up my pockets. You can find most anyone online now, so if I need you, I will find you. The one exception is to get a private email address.   - Adam Draper, Gladiator Law Marketing 

5. Have A Business Card Handy For Old-School Audiences

With the development of digital media, it is much easier to follow someone on a social media platform and remain connected. Some prefer this, rather than having a business card gather dust or find itself in the trash. However, traditional methods should not be overlooked: I believe business cards should always be handy, especially for audiences that tend to keep it old school and aren't on the social media wave.   - Alex Quin, UADV 

6. Business Cards Are A Supplement To Digital Connections

Business cards continue to be used today because we are much more likely to keep something that's tangible. However, I do believe that business cards are not enough to stay connected. Today, you need to connect through LinkedIn, have your own website with an online portfolio, and of course, follow each other on social media.   - Solomon Thimothy, OneIMS 

7. Business Cards Should Be Collected, Then Digitized

Business cards aren't a thing of the past, but saving them is. Collect a business card, but take immediate notes. Back at the office, scan the card. There are a lot of scanner apps. Input the info gathered and let it prompt a useful and valuable followup. Connect on LinkedIn, sure, but do more. For example, follow up a week later by following the person on Twitter, and send an email shortly after about something you talked about.   - Dan Golden, Be Found Online 

8. Cards Are Still The Quickest Way To Exchange Information

Business cards still hold a purpose, which is quickly exchanging information at events, conferences and other networking opportunities. However, a business card alone isn’t enough - there should always be a followup via email or social media. However, for the initial connection, a business card is still the easiest and best way to exchange contact information.   - Leila Lewis, Be Inspired PR 

9. Business Cards Serve As A Physical Reminder Of Someone

Are business cards as useful as they once were? No. But they still have a place in this world. You can meet someone face to face and connect on social media, but odds are, you are instantly lost amongst the thousands of other "friends" or "followers." A business card is a physical reminder of who you are. It can also spark a memory of the time and place you met, separating you from others.   - Aidan Cole, 

10. Business Cards Are Meaningful And Personal

Perhaps I'm an old-school, new-generation millennial, but I still love exchanging business cards. Are they absolutely necessary? No (hello, LinkedIn). Do they still provide value? Yes. Like a physical paperback compared to an e-reader, there is something still meaningful and personal in giving and receiving cards when meeting people.   - Jeff Tan, Dentsu Aegis Network 

11. For In-Person Networking, Cards Are More Professional And Last Longer

Business cards can still make a powerful impression on prospective clients. I don't believe email is too informal, but business cards are far more professional to bring to a face-to-face meeting. An email can be lost in a sea of spam and contact folders; a business card will remain in a client's wallet for years. Plus, if you're networking or giving an elevator pitch, it always helps to have the card.   - Kristopher Jones, 

12. Creative Cards Get Shared

A business card is, in many cases, the first tangible impression of your business, and it's much more personal than an email or a LinkedIn invitation. Beyond that, business cards that are creative and stand out aren't only sticky and memorable, but they get shared with more and more people, continuing to promote your business and brand.   - Ahmad Kareh, Twistlab Marketing 

13. Business Cards Show Your Brand And Style

I am a tactile person, and the look and feel (paper thickness!) of a business card speaks volumes about the person and the company. For someone in PR, I think they are critical to show your brand and elevate your look among competitors. I have my business cards handprinted on a letterpress and always get a comment whenever I hand one out.   - Duree Ross, Durée & 

14. The Quality Of Your Card Reflects The Quality Of Your Business

When I receive a business card, I create an opinion about the company as soon as the card touches my hand. Is it thin and flimsy? Is it thick cardstock? Was it printed? Was it embossed? Is it a traditional business card size? To me, having a quality business card equates to having a successful business.   - Chris Ake, Grand Apps 

15. Cards Can Help Employees Feel Important

Technology doesn't always mean leaving behind something traditional. We once tried integrating QR codes into business cards; no one used them and it was time-consuming. Cards give people a sense of importance and an easy way to connect. It's not only a way to share information with a colleague, but it's a signature kind of tool for your employees to feel like part of your organization.   - Martha Madero Gonzalez, GROU Crecimiento Digital 

16. Cards Reinforce A Connection Through Redundancy

Redundancy is how humans communicate. We use multiple physical "media" (e.g., hands, eyes, facial expressions, words, volume) to make our point, which is why there is real value in the physical act of connection through exchanging cards - although it's wise to reinforce that with a more permanent way of managing contacts. When is LinkedIn going to offer instant transfer of contact information?   - Benny Thomas, Barrie D'Rozario DiLorenzo 

Printed card is a business tool that has not lost its relevancy over the ages; there are reasons why everyone must have one and should get it printed from the right place.

Business cards are still relevant! Here's why you must have it.

You might be wondering what's a purpose of a business card? Why is it important to have a business card? How to use business cards effectively? Do I even need to print business cards?

Let's find out!

Do you doubt the need of getting a printed business card? Then think twice, since Bill Gates, Larry Page, and Mark Zuckerberg, all have them. They may be the revolutionaries of information technologies, but they are also people who understand the values of this small piece of low-tech marketing.

Business cards remain relevant, since until today face-to-face contact still holds its relevancy. Cold calling, mass mailing, websites, and social media marketing all may be excellent tools to get prospects. However, to close the deals, develop lasting business relations, and build client loyalty, you have to meet them and visit them. In such close encounters with key-accounts, the professionally printed business card is irreplaceable.

Business card photo credit: Wikipedia

The nicely printed business card is one of the most economical ways not only to transfer your personal contact data but also to build an image for your business and provide essential information regarding your business.

Carte de visite was also once called a trade card, and they served the two purposes: providing personal contact information or business contact information, and giving necessary information regarding the business. Since the beginning of exchanging business cards in the 17th century, not much has changed. They are still about providing personal contact information along with basic understanding of your business.

What is the good quality card?

Back to the essentials, the best quality card could still be regarded as one that is well printed by a professional company. It is not too decorative, as that would only serve as a distraction. Thus, in the 21st century, we can say that a perfect card should be informative, yet minimalistic in its looks. It should be colored and dual sided (dual-sided printing).

The first impression is the last impression, and a business card is that first impression. As every professional organization knows, it is important not only to know how to print well, but also what stock to use for a particular printing job.

Ordering a double-sided printed card makes economic sense, as it would only slightly add to the cost, but it would substantially add to the value of the business card. The second side may have either graphics representative of your business or may have some additional information. If you are in international business, creating a card in dual languages makes lots of sense.

What should my business card have?

• It should clearly define the personality, brand, and value of your business and help to make personal contact with the client. So, do not forget to get a positioning statement printed on your business card (e.g., Volvo: For Life.).

• The printed business card is not a big thing, so you have to think hard about what information to include and what not. Try to add just the most relevant information for your clients, and try to think from client's perspective. Your well-printed business card should set you apart from competitors. Think about how to mention your preferred contact methods like email, cell phone, twitter, or even blog. Make sure that your business card somehow encourages people to contact you.

• Remember that simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. Your card must have lots of breathing space, so do not try to fit too much information onto that small thing. Useless graphics, QR codes, and other unwitty design experiments are best avoided. Take maximum advantage of both sides, but at the same time, there must be some space for a client to write something on it (reference note, reminder, etc.).

• A business card should be more like a firm handshake; thus, it should be printed on heavier stock. The printing should be crisp and straightforward. In short, your business card should have the character of a good handshake. Only a card printed by a professional company can lend it that character, that hidden personality.

Bonus tips: How to print good business cards?

• When ordering your cards, chose the best printing options (colored, dual sided), and do not scrimp on paper stock.

• Your card is not a coupon for a free product, thus you should treat it accordingly: avoid giving it to just anyone, at the same time avoiding holding it to yourself for no apparent reason.

• Storing your business card is as important as having a good quality printed business card. Storing it in your wallet along with other papers or coins may not be the best thing. Handling dented, soiled, or a bent card can hurt your business image. Neither should they lie somewhere in your briefcase, held together with a rubber band, as it sends the wrong message to the client. The best thing is to invest a bit in the card case, preferably leather card case.

• Do not forget about etiquette when presenting your business card. Keep in mind that these etiquettes also differ from place to place, like never giving business cards to a middle eastern person with your left hand, or in Japanese when a business card should be handed with both the hands, along with a polite bow.

• In many cases, a business card is just the beginning of a long and fruitful relationship. Thus, do not forget to follow-up with your clients after handing them your business card.

A well-printed business card is still as relevant as ever:

• It provides others a way to follow up

• It shows that you are truly a professional

• It means that you can focus on meeting, without spending much time on exchanging contact information

• It makes you referable to others

Remember "Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity."

Hence, be prepared, get your business cards printed, make sure that it looks professional with no spelling or other mistakes, and find a company that could deliver it for free to your doorstep.

Click here to print full color double-sided business cards!

Do people still print business cards?

Business Cards are Still Relevant! Here's why you must have it.

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