Cleaning scum off diamonds - Jewelry Discussion

06 Aug.,2024


Cleaning scum off diamonds - Jewelry Discussion

Scum is one thing. Meatloaf is another.

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For regular run of the mill scum I like ammoniated ultrasonic
cleaner from L&R. Stinks pretty good so I use a plastic container
with a lid and just keep that in the ultrasonic clean water.
Warning&#;do not sniff the bottle, it&#;ll knock you over if you breath

For meatloaf&#;I have seen this and I have done this but I am NOT
endorsing that anyone lightheartedly try this. Get some hot water,
near boiling if you can. Place your item in it and toss in some lye
and STAND BACK! Really, this is potentially dangerous. If its good
and hot you will get a violent boiling reaction with some splatter.
Do this only in a controlled environment with suitable protective
gear and away from curious eyes. In a few seconds your item will be
squeeky clean, but you need to rinse the heck out of it. When it
doesn&#;t feel slimy anymore its rinsed enough. You can, if you
prefer, gently simmer a premixed lye solution for a few minutes with
the item in the pot. The reason I don&#;t like this method is I watched
as someone pulled the most horribly damaged large aqua out of a
boiled dry pan. That the aqua should not have gone in there in the
first place is secondary to the fact that its all too easy to walk
away and forget you have something cooking. I keep the lye bit as a
last resort kind of thing. Lye burns hurt and absolutely you must
take all precautions to keep from getting even a tiny speck in your
eye. Use good judgement in the process and in application to your
piece in question. I&#;m relaying this only in the context of a
professional dealing with diamonds only. I wonder if that is a strong
enough disclaimer.

If you are looking for more details, kindly visit Wholesale Diamond Polishing Pads.

Something else you can do is to first pick out the worst of the
clumpy gunk with a poker or somesuch. Its disgusting but try. Then
ultrasonic til it looks sorta clean. To get the last, troublesome
goop out you can force handiflux behind the stone, really pack it in
tight. Some on top too. Gently heat til the flux flows. Then pickle.
The handiflux will (usually, caveat emptor) capture the crud and
greatly reduce the chance of black diamonds.

Its probably a good idea to charge more for extraordinary cleaning

Want more information on Wholesale Diamond Polishing Pads stone maintenance? Feel free to contact us.